31 Dec 2015 |Submissions Deadline: The Truth About The Fact (Nonfiction)


Loyola Marymount Univetsity‘s The Truth About the Fact: International Journal of Literary Nonfiction is seeking submissions for their annual nonfiction publication.  Submissions are due by December 31, 2015.

The Truth About the Fact is a book-like literary journal that features life-based writings and art (currently seeking black and white art) of “a wide range of people and lifestyles.” Their aim is create  publication that is “pervasive, powerful, and all-inclusive.”

To learn more about this upcoming submission deadline, please send inquiries to: managingeditor@thetruthaboutthefact.org.  You can also visit The Truth About the Fact‘s website.

15 Dec 2015 | Submission Deadline: The Quaker (All Genres)

Click to submit your work!

If you are seeking new opportunities to publish, take a look at The Quaker, the two-year old undergraduate art and literary journal published by the Program in Creative Writing at Malone University. Although going into its third year, this is the first time that The Quaker has opened its submissions call nationally!

Open to writers of all genres, including nonfiction (essays, reviews, etc), or as they put it “good writing in any and all forms.”

Deadline is December 15, 2015.

Also, according to their submission page, “each semester one author is chosen to be honored with a $100 Editor’s Prize for an outstanding contribution to the journal.”

So, why not submit?

Happy Writing!

31 May 2015 | Deadline for BOMB Magazine: Have You Submitted? (Fiction Contest)

Author Sheila Heti, this year’s judge. Image from BOMB Magazine (Photo by Sylvia Plachy). Click to learn more about their Fiction Contest.

Prize: $1,000.00 | Submission Period: May 1-31, 2015

If you are a fiction writer, let nothing stop from entering this contest! You still have time. Although there is a reading fee of $20 to enter the contest, it does come with a one-year subscription to BOMB Magazine.

1 Feb – 1 May 2015 | Association of Writers & Writing Programs’ Submissions, Contests & Conference Deadlines

Image from AWP. Click to visit their website.

Image from AWP. Click to visit their website.

Visit AWP for More Information!

12 Feb 2015 | Preregister for #AWP15 Conference

Secure your place at North America’s largest and most dynamic literary conference at discounted rates. Not yet an AWP member or need to renew your membership? Bundle your registration and one-year membership to receive the reduced member registration rate, a subscription to the Writer’s Chronicle, and access to members-only content.

Reduced preregistration rates are only in effect until February 12, 2015, so act quickly!

28 Feb 2015 | Enter the 2015 AWP Award Series

AWP Award Series entries in creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and short fiction will be accepted online only until February 28, 2015 via Submittable.


15 Mar 2015 | Let Us Know About Your Undergraduate Literary Magazine

Submit this year’s issue to AWP’s National Program Directors’ Prize for Undergraduate Literary Magazines. View our guidelines and make sure your submissions arrive by March 15, 2015


15 Mar 2015 | Bellingham Review Literary Contests (Poetry/Fiction/Nonfiction)


30 Mar 2015 | Win $500 to Attend a Writer’s Conference, Festival, Center, Retreat, or Residency

Each year, AWP offers three scholarships of $500 each to emerging writers who wish to attend a writers’ conference, center, retreat, festival, or residency. AWP maintains a comprehensive list of these events and opportunities in the Directory of Conferences & Centers. Winners and six finalists will also receive a one-year individual membership in AWP.

This year’s judges are Xu Xi for creative nonfiction, Matt Bell for fiction, and Sandra Beasley for poetry. Enter via Submittable now until March 30, 2015.


1 May 2015 | Propose an Event for #AWP16 Conference in Los Angeles

In mid-March, AWP will welcome proposals for the 2016 conference in Los Angeles. Our conference committee seeks proposals that feature panelists who are diverse in their backgrounds, pursuits, affiliations, and ages, and who represent a broad range of perspectives and experiences.

AWP strongly encourages participation from current and recent graduate students. The deadline for proposal submission is Friday, May 1, 2015. Please visit our website for more information, and check back soon to review the updated 2016 Event Proposal Handbook.

Visit AWP for More Information!

Aug-Dec 2014 | Submissions Deadlines: No Entry Fee Contests

Image Found: http://creativewritingatguelph.ca (University of Guelph, Creative Writing at Guelph)


Freelancewriting.com, a website dedicated to assisting writers in achieving their goals, has been in operation since 1997. The site provides writers with guidance through articles, video tutorials, reading recommendations, job listings, and contest information.

Certainly, there are many sites that offer as much or more to writers.  Freelancewriting.com, however, makes a point of sharing creative writing contests (book/fiction/nonfiction/poetry) which only have no entry fee.

In essence, Freelancewriting.com has done the proverbial work of finding the needle in the haystack. So, many thanks to them for having done that work!  It is a time-consuming task searching through hundreds of contests to find the ones that do not even try to break the bank.

So what are some  contests that they have listed?

Click on the name of the contest for details.

(Deadline | Contest Name | First Prize | Genre)


Remember:  If you do not enter, then you cannot win.  So, take a chance!

Happy Writing!


There are many contests available for aspiring writers to enter.  Many of these contests, however, require that entrants pay a fee to participate.  The fees typically have a range between $10 – $30, depending on the genre and length of submission.

Unfortunately, not every aspiring writer, especially students, is in a position to spend $10 or more for every contest that he or she would like to enter.

Fortunately, there are also many contests that do not require an entry fee or the entry fee is significantly lower than the average.

So, here are three upcoming contests for the end of July and during August.  Hopefully, one will spark your interest!

  • Blue Earth Review – Flash Fiction Contest 
    Deadline: Friday, August 1, 2014
    Entry Fee: $2
    Prizes: $500 (1st), $250 (2nd), and $100 (3rd)
    Submission Maximum: Two pieces of flash fiction, each of 750 words or fewer. Online.


Wishing You Luck and Happy Writing!

30 MAY 2014| DEADLINE TODAY: Moved By Wonder Short Story Contest

Deadline: 30 May 2014

images-1MOVED BY WONDER is a John Cabot University-sponsored conference dedicated to exploring Flannery O’Connor’s vast influence on literature and the arts. Fifty years after her death, the author’s legendary style continues to reverberate in Cormac McCarthy’s fiction, Bruce Springsteen’s music, Quentin Tarantino’s films, and countless artistic projects.

With this in mind, the “Moved by Wonder Short Story Contest” challenges student writers to rework, reimagine or pay homage to O’Connor’s seminal short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find.”

  • ·1st & 2nd Prize: Winners will be invited to present a portion of their work in conjunction with the Moved by Wonder conference June 13-15, 2014.
  • ·1st, 2nd & 3rd Prize: Stories will be published on the JCU Institute for Creative Writing & Literary Translation Blog.

Contest Overview:

Students are required to use “A Good Man is Hard to Find” as a starting point for generating their own work of original short fiction. You are encouraged to use any aspect of O’Connor’s story such as a character, a line of dialogue, a single image, or any other detail that inspires you. This could include, but is not limited to, O’Connor’s trademark humor, violence, or the unexpected glimmers of good, evil, and grace portrayed in her fiction.

You may also enjoy hearing Flannery O’Connor read her story:

You can also read the story here: A Good Man Is Hard To Find“.

Submission Guidelines:

  • ·Blind/Anonymous Submissions: Stories must be titled, typed, and double-spaced. The author’s name and contact info should only appear on the COVER SHEET.
  • ·Submissions must be sent via email to storycontest@johncabot.edu with “CONTEST SUBMISSION” & your surname in the subject line. Please attach as a Word Document or PDF. Deadline is Friday, May, 30th.
  • ·Submissions may be up to 15 pages in length.
  • The contest is open to ANY enrolled undergraduate college student currently studying in the US or abroad.

Contest Judges:  George Minot, Elena Buia & Elizabeth Geoghegan


[Reblog] US News “Consider These 8 Scholarships for Aspiring Writers”

Although written in 2011, this article from US News provides a short but relevant list of scholarships that may enable both high school and college-level students to move closer to their literary goals.  Included in the list are the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, the Free Spirit Scholarsihp, and the Richard G. Zimmerman Award.  For more information, please visit the link above.


[Reblog] New Lit Mag for Emerging Writers Spreads Its Wings Wide

Would you like to know more about Bird’s Thumb, the online literary journal?  Please, read this article for The Review Review by Nick Cheney.

“The inaugural issue of Bird’s Thumb has given me reason to look a little more closely at the things around me, in the spirit of the pieces published in the February 2014 edition, the journal’s first.” (Excerpt from the article).

1 April 2014 Deadline: Bird’s Thumb is Currently Seeking Submissions

With summer just around the corner, Bird’s Thumb, a new online literary journal dedicated to emerging writers, is preparing itself for its upcoming June publication.

The journal is actively seeking student writers and has already featured work of students from various universities, such as Antioch University, Columbia College, Emerson College, Purdue University, University of Notre Dame, and University of California, Los Angeles.

Bird’s Thumb publishes poetry, short stories and essays; and publishes three issues per year (February, June, and October).  The journal accepts unsolicited work and the respective deadlines are as follows:

  • December 1st
  • April 1st
  • August 1st

Remember, a great deal can be accomplished in two weeks time. So, prepare your submission(s) now for the April 1st deadline.  Still, if you miss that one, there is always August 1st, to which you can look forward!

Visit their website for more information on their submission’s guidelines.