Women Reading: Dacia Maraini (Writer)

On Thursday, October 14th, Dacia Maraini, one of Italy’s most revered contemporary writers, gave a reading of her work for the John Cabot University community.

Maraini read from her most recent novel Il Treno dell’ultima Notte.  Alongside Mariani, Professor Moira Egan read the English translation, titled Train to Budapest.  The evening was part of Women Reading, a bilingual series sponsored by the John Cabot University Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation.


Dacia Maraini’s writing has been widely translated and published in many languages, and her renown is also due to her fine talent as a critic, poet and playwright. When she was 19, she moved to Rome where she met Alberto Moravia and published her first novel La Vacanza. This novel was followed by many other successful works, which received numerous literary awards, including the Premio Campiello and the Premio Strega.  Maraini is the author of more than sixty plays performed in Italy and abroad, her works have been translated into 22 languages. In 1973, she founded the Teatro della Maddalena, managed exclusively by women.

After the reading, Maraini answered audience questions about the writing process and the evolution of her most recent book.  A reception followed the event.
Dacia Maraini
Dacia Maraini chats with Professors Egan, Abeni, and Dews
Dacia Maraini with Moira Egan, Damiano Abeni, and Institute Director Carlos Dews

—photos courtesy of Mario Ventura

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