Grammar Corner

Not desiring to reinvent the wheel, we offer you a list of grammar sites that can help you with your questions.  Watch out for additional sites in the near future!


Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL):

OWL is fantastic for understanding the nuances of academic writing.  Confused about what MLA and APA mean or what Chicago Manual Style has to do with?  Well, OWL has an answer for you. Wondering just how to cite your online content?  OWL will break down citation to its nitty-grittiest detail.  Are you a visual learner and need writing samples to see exactly where you have been going wrong?  Don’t worry, OWL’s got that under control as well.



Daily Writing Tips:

Concerned about homonyms?  Having problems with homophones?  Don’t know what either one of those terms mean?  Well, Daily Writing Tips has answers for you.  The site offers basic and detailed grammar lessons, taking a careful look at punctuation, spelling, style, vocabulary, and misused words.   There are sections devoted to business writing, fiction writing, and freelance writing as well as competitions and fun “word of the day”.


Grammar Girl:

The blog Grammar Girl has grown significantly over the years thanks to its creator Mignon Fogarty.  Although the format may prove challenging for those who prefer a less image-based style, the site provides clarity for many of those tricky grammar and punctuation issues that can crop up.


Daily Grammar:

Are you under the impression that you have this grammar-thing down pat?  Well, Daily Grammar has some quizzes for you.  Challenge grammar skills by taking their offered quizzes.  Trust me, it’s fun to see just how wrong or right you are!


separated by a common language:

It is a challenging situation: you are from a British English country, but you are having to write in an American English setting.  Do you struggle with remembering to write favorite instead of favourite or license instead of licence?  Or perhaps you find yourself in the reverse situation?  Either way, seperated by a common language offers insight into these challenges from the point of view of an American linguist, M Lynne Murph, living in the UK.


Writer’s Helper Editor’s Blog:

You have finally finished that manuscript and are readying yourself to submit.  Well, before you go through all of that, why not check out the Writer’s Helper Editor’s Blog.  There you can learn more about the publishing world and even have a sample edit of your manuscript done for free (or almost free).


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